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Thursday, 21 January 2016

Groundnut - Its health benefits

Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) also known as Peanut is a leguminous plant that belongs to the family Fabaceae (which is also referred to as Leguminosae, and commonly known as the pea or bean family).
Pea nuts were widely grown in the topics and subtropics, being an important plant to both small holder and large commercial producers. It is also an oil crop because of its high oil content.
Peanut harbour symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules like most other legumes do. This makes them valuable in crop rotation.

Beyond being a snack, studies have shown that groundnuts contain nutrition goodies that contribute to a healthy heart, strong bones and has anti-aging properties to boot.
Groundnuts along with peas and beans are among the best sources of protein in the plant kingdom and they are also super high in polyphenols; the peak of the antioxidant group. They also contain Magnesium, foliate, vitamin E, Copper, Arginine and fibre.
The nuts are really rich with significant, beneficial nutrients that are essential for optimum health. Some of these benefits are
  1. They aid in the risk of weight gain (Obesity)
  2. The milk of groundnut is as nutritious as a dairy milk, so they serve as an alternative for milk.
  3. They help in preventing several cardiovascular challenges such as stroke, heart attack and hardened arteries.
  4. They are beneficial in the treatment of haemophiliac and other related blood disorders.
  5. They aid in boosting memory and helps lower cholesterol due to the presence of vitamin B3.

Note: There should be moderation in the consumption of groundnut because excessive consumption could lead to an accumulation of acid in the stomach. To avoid indigestion and heartburn, gastritis an jaundice patience should not consume groundnut excessively. This also applies to Asthmatic patience.

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